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What Is The Resto-thriller Genre?

Ryan Reese and the Birth of the Resto-Thriller

resto-thriller is a unique subgenre of fiction where thrilling or suspenseful stories unfold within the world of water, fire, or mold restoration. This intriguing concept was first introduced by American author Ryan Reese, who drew inspiration from his own experiences in the restoration industry.

Reese’s debut novel, A Larger Loss, set the stage for this new genre. The story follows a young sales representative who delves into a mystery surrounding her boss’s criminal past, ultimately clearing his name. His second novel, Full Gut, takes readers to a deserted island where a crew of restoration technicians face a deadly threat from a monstrous creature and the military.

Ryan Reese Drew From His Experiences Within the Restoration Field

Through his work in the restoration industry, Reese recognized a gap in the literary landscape. No one else was exploring the dramatic potential of this often overlooked field. Determined to bring this unique perspective to life, he embraced the challenge of creating the resto-thriller genre.

“I had the idea, but I didn’t think much of it at first,” Reese admitted. “But I knew that if someone else came along and did it before me, I’d never forgive myself.”

For Reese, resto-thrillers are more than just entertainment. They symbolize the power of restoration, both physical and emotional. “To me, they signify a sense of redemption, a rebirth,” he explained. “However, restoration isn’t always a simple process. Sometimes, the cost, whether physical, mental, or financial, can be significant.”

The resto-thriller genre is dedicated to restoring not only physical structures but also the characters within the stories. By exploring the complexities of loss, recovery, and the human spirit, Reese’s novels offer a fresh and exciting perspective on the world of restoration.

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